Born from a unique three-month workspace residency at Invest Ottawa, in collaboration with the City of Ottawa, Algonquin College, and Artengine, this interactive physical installation represents the products of our design research in the business incubator space pointing to three main themes – energy, collaboration, and communication.
Using light patterns affected by the motions of persons through the space, and their communication to Invest Ottawa’s Twitter we represent the energy of the space in a physical and visual sense. In addition, recordings of many entrepreneurs’ advice and ideas about business and Invest Ottawa, in various languages to symbolize the worldly nature of collaboration, are projected through the walls to add an aural energy.
The concept is to remind visitors that they are not alone, but rather surrounded by the experience and help of others before them as they walk into the space. By creating a physical piece we also believe it best enhances the large open nature of Invest Ottawa’s lobby, rather than detract from it.
For more information please see the video above and our post-mortem on Artengine’s Blog.
Some initial concepts, that were not ultimately used.
Peeking into our scale foam core model of the Invest Ottawa lobby where installation will take place.
Our temporary desk within the Invest Ottawa entrepreneurship hub during the design and development of this project.
The Invest Ottawa Lobby before the installation of “Paths.”
Happy accidents and artefacts found within our computer simulation of the installation before construction.
The Invest Ottawa Lobby during the installation of “Paths.”
The Invest Ottawa Lobby during the installation of “Paths.”
Constructing the physical components of “Paths.”
Constructing the physical components of “Paths.”
Testing out the program’s interface with the physical components and sensors.
Testing out the RGB LED strips.
The Invest Ottawa lobby after installation.