Circles: An XR Learning Framework

Circles is a WebXR learning framework I have been working on over the past couple of years as part of my Ph.D. research at Carleton University on exploring socio-accessible VR learning tools.

This is also a project I worked on for the Oculus Launchpad program in 2019, and was also covered by Carleton University’s newsroom article on the development of content highlighting Canadian Civil Rights pioneer Viola Desmond.

Currently, I am working on building several prototypes, in collaboration with Algonquin College’s Learning and Teaching Services, that will utilize artefact-based exploration, reflection, and role-play to highlight the challenges women face in the trades as part of workshops to increase gender diversity in trades’ programs. The following videos of both a silent Oculus Quest capture (due to some sound issues when capturing) and a Desktop capture.

For more information please check out my development blog posts, the open-source project on Github, and my research progress.



